West Devon Methodist Circuit


Bridestowe - EX20 4EJ

Services: 11.00am  unless sharing worship at St Bridget's Parish church when the service is at 9.30am (See the Circuit Plan for details) 

The premises, chapel - which is used as a dual purpose building, Hall and church lounge together with a modern kitchen and as well as being used on a Sunday is used by the community during the week.   We  use projected hymns, readings and power point at the services.

A Local Covenant was made with our friends at St. Bridget's Parish Church in 2005, which has since become a formal Partnership of Churches.

  • First Sunday in the month: United Service with St Bridget’s at alternating venues with Cafe-style worship twice a year at the Methodist Church.
  • Family Games Evenings 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the month.

Cafe Church

Zion Bible Christian Chapel was built in 1830 and opened on the 1st January 1831.
The present chapel (United Methodist Church) was opened on 25 September 1907.

An unusual feature on the outside of the chapel, placed there sometime after the first
World War, is a plaque giving the names of all men in the parish who had served in the
forces during the War. During the Second World War part of the premises were used
for showers and NAAFI for our troops and the American Forces (as there was a large camp in the parish which was also used for POW's).

In 1998 major renovation was carried out, the pews, the pulpit, the interior porch were all removed, floor made to one level, carpeted, 100 comfortable chairs provided, modern staging, PA and loop system installed.


In 2020, the Church completed work to convert the original Bible Christian part of the building into a community meeting place and coffee bar. The kitchen was redesigned and modernised and new disabled & baby changing facilities were also installed. This has made  a modern space for community use and outreach.





Page last updated: Thursday 15th October 2020 7:07 AM
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